Nov 20, 2013

MASTODON - New Album Will Be "Massive And Insane"

Kory Grow of Rolling Stone recently spoke with MASTODON drummer Brann Dailor; an excerpt follows: 

In a couple of weeks, Mastodon will be entering the studio with producer Nick Raskulinecz, who has helmed LPs for FOO FIGHTERS, RUSH and others. Explaining the choice, Dailor unleashes a litany of rationales: "He's a rock guy. He's a rocker. He likes to rock." Most important, "He's done a bunch of our friends' records that sound great," Dailor says. "I'm a fan of all the DEFTONES records he's done, all the ALICE IN CHAINS stuff, and he worked with QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE on [their 2002 album] Songs For The Deaf." 

So far Mastodon have written about 18 or 19 songs, but Dailor says the group "needs to trim the herd. It's gonna be massive and insane, lots of epic greatness. There will be lots of huge riffs and new directions. It's real weird, real math-y, real straightforward. It's up, down and all around. It's a culmination of everything for the band. The snowball keeps rolling and collecting snow." 

Further details can be found here.


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